Dangers of the Digital Panopticon
The Digital Panopticon Prison turns Freedom into a Distant Memory
A digital prison has been built for you, it’s everywhere. It is a Panopticon (“all seeing”) Prison. This is an old idea; the earliest conception of the Panopticon was in 1785 by English philosopher Jeremy Bentham as a means of maximizing efficiency and morality in a prison through constant observation of the prisoners. Bentham founded the utilitarian movement, the"fundamental axiom" of his philosophy the principle that "it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong."
(Almost sounds like something Marx would write…)
From ChatGTP:
The design consisted of a circular building with a central observation tower. From the tower, a single guard could watch all inmates, who were housed in cells arranged around the periphery. Crucially, the inmates would not know whether they were being watched at any given time, encouraging self-regulation of behavior.
The concept of a Panopticon has been updated by The Powers That Be using the latest technology to create a personal digital prison. It’s going to be difficult, but not impossible to find privacy inside the Panopticon.
Such a physical prison was built in Cuba in the 1920’s:
This Panopticon was constructed between 1925-1931 at the Presidio Modelo prison in Cuba, exterior and interior. Physical buildings are too limited and costly, so this concept is now electronic/virtual and ubiquitous. (Wikipedia images)
For the Panopticon to work at scale, it must be digital and ubiquitous with no place to hide, monitoring and controlling everyone, even inside of a person’s body. It must use that information to create an artificial, phony AI “reality”, tailored to each individual and indistinguishable from real reality. The end goal creates the perfect control system, where the inmate doesn’t believe they are in a prison. Everything is controlled, including their thoughts and physical bodies. All private property is eliminated including all physical real estate and chattel, and your physical body, speech and thoughts, as well! This is what Communism does, it abolishes all private property, including your thoughts!
In the future, everyone will own nothing and be happy, per the WEF. He looks happy.
1. Construction of the Digital Panopticon
The digital Panopticon is built to perform these functions:
Data collection and tracking
Social credit and threat scoring based on collected data
Control via AI reality creation. This limits access to information, people and places, alters messages and creates a fake HoloWeb reality around you like the Holodeck on Star Trek. “it’s real to me” making critical thinking and escaping the Panopticon very difficult.
OFF switch. Ultimate control for non-compliance.
The Holodeck on Star Trek is a 3-D simulation so real you suspend disbelief as soon as you enter it, it looks and feels like real reality. If you are not familiar with it, here is a video from Star Trek: Next Generation:
A promotional video from defense contractor Harris shows some of the power of this system, used by the Overlords to monitor and control the public. You can be certain the classified versions you are not allowed to know about are much more powerful. The Panopticon goes far beyond what people do in public, it extends to the most private things about a person.
The data gathering and tracking is comprehensive and includes: Cellular phones and computer, appliances, cars and Internet of things, CCTV cameras, the internet and smart meters, satellites and even the internet of bodies. This is collected and presented in real time displays like this video and fed into AI systems for automated decision making and reality creation.
Who is behind this system? The usual suspects; WEF, Big Tech, Big Banking, Big Pharma, NGOs and foundations, state level security agencies and military, and Billionaires. Apple and Google have been designated to be the custodians of your private information - only they are “safe, private and secure”, everything else is suspect. They want to impose collectivism using the blueprint of CCP China, a totalitarian dystopia where social credit was first implemented.
Maximum privacy: This document shows how people who need to be private for whatever reason, whether trade secret protection, a violent spouse, etc. with ways to avoid exposure to the Panopticon. Personally, I use privateline.io for my private communications, no email or phone number are required. Use code DECODECOMP for a free account (normally $99 per year).
2. Data Collection and Tracking
Data is collected everywhere all the time from four locations;
Your electronic device with hardware, operating system and app (computer, phone, laptop, appliance, etc). Anything with power can become a monitoring device.
The internet as data travels over it, it’s collected, blocked or altered without your knowledge (man-in-the-middle attacks). The internet is designed to be resilient to failure, and there are relay routers in between you the server you are going to.
At the server, content and social media. Notification services, routers in close proximity and sniffers can monitor traffic. Social media, web site visits and anything requiring email address or cell number are tracked.
In public spaces where there are microphones and CCTV cameras (no expectation of privacy in public places) as well as satellites and airborne monitoring (planes and drones). Private security cams are backdoored and can be viewed by a number of groups. Your home, office or vehicle can be scanned remotely or from other vehicles, even using wifi.
Your body. The internet of bodies, via chipping and nano-particle devices injected into people that can communicate with the network.
Automated voice and facial recognition allow positive ID of nearly any person in seconds. Some advanced AI systems can now simulate your voice with as little as 3-10 seconds of you talking.
Maximum privacy: Stay away from CCTV cams (including other devices like cell phones - warning…cams front and back!!). Cover your face, don’t speak near microphones. Facial and voice recognition by AI is almost instantaneous. Shield your office and bedroom with Faraday cage materials and RF paints like graphite based or lead based paint (the real reason lead paint was banned).
3. Electronic Devices are Major Collection Points
Let’s start with devices, since they are close at hand and everyone has them. These are mostly under your control, you can start removing these from your life if you desire more privacy. Cameras, mics and wifi/IoT chips are now so cheap ($0.10 per mic and $0.10 per wifi chipset in volume), they can be put inside everything with power, not just cell phones. From Epoch Times:
While inspecting shipments from China, Russian customs agents found something odd. Inside several of the kettles and irons they found WiFi chips and microprocessors. If the devices were plugged in, the chips would search for unsecured WiFi networks up to 650 feet away, then “call home” to grant access to cybercriminals.
“Who’s to say these things couldn’t be put into any device on anybody’s home network,” he said. “They could be in anything you plug in. Anything that gets power, this kind of thing can be hidden inside it.”
We are surrounded by devices that spy on us and you need to increase your situational awareness, if you are interested in privacy. Privacy busters are built inside hardware, operating systems and software and can be difficult even impossible to turn off or remove without destroying the device. Additionally, the security state has backdoored everything and now these backdoors have fallen into the hands of others, creating the huge security problem and privacy leaks everyone is seeing.
Many of these devices do not rely on your wifi connection, they connect to cellular networks using the Internet of Things (IoT) which is everywhere cell signals are and with Low Energy Bluetooth mesh networks. IoT is now bigger than the internet in terms of number of devices by a factor of 3-4x. Devices that use wifi or IoT include:
Video doorbells, thermostats, alarm systems
TV sets with cameras and mics
Home appliances like robotic vacuums, microwave ovens, ranges, refrigerators, exercise equipment, etc.
Smart watches and other “health” monitors that connect to the internet.
Automobiles - always tracked and allow remote controlled driving. Assume newer vehicles have video of the inside and outside recorded and uploaded in the event of an accident and any vehicle made after 2003 has some amount of remote control driving.
Reporter Michael Hastings was writing a story on the CIA for Rolling Stone when his Mercedes was remote control driven into a tree at high speed in Los Angeles in 2013. Sadly, he died at the scene of the “accident”.
The popular TV show “Mr. Robot” shows one way how this is done by police:
Devices like Amazon Echo, Google Nest, and Apple HomePod heavily rely on Wi-Fi to:
Access cloud services for voice recognition and processing.
Fetch real-time updates (weather, news, etc.).
Control other smart home devices (thermostats, lights, etc.)
Listen to you continuously, process the sounds and conversations using AI and phoning home anything of note to the mothership.
Maximum Privacy: Never buy or use devices that require your consent for location, camera or mic (unless you know the app isn’t reselling your data). Cars 2003 and earlier have minimal self driving features and you can remove the fuse to turn off the comms and remote off switch. Never buy smart home devices. Unplug devices when not in use. Use only apps that do not collect your email or phone number like privateline.io and code DECODECOMP for a free account (normally $99).
4. Types of data collected:
Audio and video can be processed in real time with voice and facial recognition and this is built into most cell phones. You might notice your phone telling you the name of the song you are hearing in the background at a restaurant. From Inc. Magazine:
You figured they were listening anyway, right?
It turns out you were right. Every time you talk to your Google Assistant, there's a chance someone might listen to the audio from that conversation. Which is revealing for a few reasons, not the least of which is that Google obviously records, saves, and transmits your voice data in a way that can be accessed by actual people. So much for privacy.
Location data is “phoned home” continuously. People are near their cell phone, which can hear your voice and when you breathe. This can be the operating system or apps you gave location permission to.
Nearby devices. This is a big one most people are not aware of. Your cell’s location is tracked from onboard GPS and cell towers. It knows exactly where your phone is while it’s connected to wifi or cell towers. Your cell can also scan for other devices including wifi networks (that’s how they know where your wifi is located), other phones, bluetooth devices and more.
The irony is of course that you paid for these devices and thought you owned them, but in reality you own nothing. The Terms of Service you clicked AGREE on gave them permission to do as they wish with your data and to use the device for their own purposes — you did this to yourself. This data is resold to intelligence agencies, ad networks and private investigators. For many devices like cell phones with non-removable batteries, they can be tracked or listened to even when powered off.
Maximum Privacy: Keep phone turned off and in a Faraday Bag to block signals in/out when not in use. Never buy or use devices with tracking or “smart” features. Turn off permission for apps to track location and use camera or mic through the operating system.
WEF’s Hariri believes people will give up privacy for healthcare monitoring 24/7. Watch all the way to the end.
5. The Internet and Man in the Middle Censorship
Devices are connected to the internet, which is a network of networks. To get from one device to another or to a server, you are routed through many independent servers and routing devices on the internet. Your data can be monitored, collected, changed or even blocked as it goes through the network.
We have been aware of this since 1997, when one of my engineers said “there’s an NSA room at our data center and they are collecting every email and web site visit”. Was this legal? If the internet is a public space, it is legal…there is no expectation of privacy in a public space. The NSA had a special router that collected those items as anything entered or left the data centers and every web site you visited and email is in your file. Today, you don’t need to install hardware like that in a data center. With enough servers in enough places, you can cover the internet from routers anywhere. These are known as “trap nodes”. They collect data and send it back to specialized data centers. These are common for email and data routers, even for Bitcoin nodes (e.g. there are thousands of BTC trap nodes).
Who besides the NSA and Big Tech is collecting this data? The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), through its companies like Hurricane Electric. If you check with ARIN (American Registry of Internet Numbers) you will see that Hurricane Electric has 19% of the total internet numbers. To understand what that can do for relaying web data, emails and so on, see this traceroute table. This was captured for a failed Zoom video call that could not go through and it’s obvious that HE (Hurricane Electric) was the problem. The call was blocked, but if it went through, it could have been copied and that copy sent to Beijing, while my call looked completely normal.
Lines 11 and 12 are dropping 75% and 88.9% of the packets trying to make it through. You will not be able to make a connection to any server with this kind of packet loss.
Companies like Google have taken the “Man in the Middle” to an extreme. Starting with your device, the software on it that you gave permission to listen to your mic or collect your location, the DNS (domain look up service), the ad tracking, website analytics, CAPTCHA and even the fonts on the web site you visit. They all phone home data about you. This data become actionable information used to sell you things and target you to sell other things or just to target you.
Don’t think you can hide with a VPN. Many of the outports that dump you on the internet in another country are mapped and monitored and because they know you are trying to hide, you become targeted for more data collection and monitoring. One company, M247, provides services for about 65% of VPNs. Your VPN might not log or collect your data, but someone else is watching you…
These techniques are used to monitor, alter or block your message with email, text messages, phone calls, physical mail, etc.
I have personally experienced phone calls people made to me never going through. I heard over speaker phone while on a separate VOIP call, a friend called me, my phone in front of me never rang, the voicemail picked up and my friend left a message. There was never any indication of a call or voice mail on my phone. It was as if it never happened. The same things have happened repeatedly with email, postal mail and text messages. The people trying to reach you think you are not being nice to them.
Mail in ballots were found unopened in a dumpster in Sonoma county, California around the 2020 election. Postal sorting machines can be programmed to look for ballots from anyone registered to a particular party and kick out the mailing piece. No one knows if their vote was counted or put in the trash. A “man-in-the-middle” attack can happen wherever there is a man in the middle.
Meta data is just as important as your actual message. Knowing who is talking to whom builds a map of the people you talk to. As the former head of the NSA says in this video “We kill people based on metadata”. Yes, he said it. Privacy is literally a matter of life and death.
Michael Hayden, then head of the NSA, spoke about metadata at a 2014 conference.
Maximum privacy: No/minimal Big Tech apps. DeGoogle/DeApple your phone. Use a private network phone. Keep it in a Faraday Bag and powered down when not in use. Vote in person. Use a private network to stay off the internet and phone system. Never share your phone number or email address — these are used as unique identifiers to tag collected data to your record. Privateline.io doesn’t collect that info ever.
6. Servers, Content and Social Media
Servers track many things behind the scenes because your browser leaves behind a trail of data that includes your computer type, OS version, cookies and hardware “fingerprint” data that’s unique for your computer. There is no such thing as an “open source” server, because they can run whatever code they want and you have no way to inspect it. When you visit a web site, Google analytics, fonts and other services capture your IP and add it to the real time data base. CAPTCHA, that annoying “prove you are human” popup, also tracks you when you click on it. The tracking on social media has been well documented. Data, including location data from your cell phone, is resold to data brokers who sell to security agencies, ad networks, law enforcement, private investigators and others. The content you view, your connections on social media and your likes are all recorded and fed into the AI model that generates your reality in real time.
Maximize Privacy: Do not use any social media and carefully visit websites that can track you, use ad blockers. Stay off the internet to avoid tracking and data collection. Turn off all location services for apps and your cell phone.
7. Surveillance in the Outdoors
Walk down a city street or drive on the highway and there are many cameras keeping a watchful eye on you, including traffic cameras that scan your license plate (and instantly call up your vehicle registration). It’s this way in the USA, UK, China and just about every other developed country. But there is more. Satellites and even devices other people carry (mostly their cell phones) can spy on you, too.
Once, I went in for a meeting at a cafe to discuss some volunteer efforts we were going to do for the Shen Yun show (highly recommended) and we left our phones in our cars. As soon as we entered the cafe, other people’s cell phones started making strange sounds and people were puzzled. We gathered that even without our devices, the security cams (they can access even private security cams via backdoors) could spot us with AI facial recognition and locate other devices in our proximity that could listen in. Many security cams also have microphones and yes, the lip reading scene in 2001 is legit. What we were doing wasn’t that exciting, but someone wanted to keep eyes on us.
This scene was from a motion picture made in 1967! 2001: A Space Odyssey
What the TV spy shows demonstrate is the ability to follow people around, looking through any CCTV camera whether on public streets or private security systems (connected to the internet). That capability exists. Any device with electricity and networking capability can be used for surveillance. If it is connected to the internet, it can be hacked.
Over 6,000 operational Starlink satellites now cover the Earth, including the poles (with polar orbit Starlinks), so there is literally no place to hide. Each satellite is like an AWACs, with the ability to communicate, listen and potentially do electronic warfare. You should assume your wifi and wireless devices can be listened to from space, these antennae are super sensitive . Some satellite and airborne systems have ground scanning frequencies that I’m told can scan 200 feet deep in the ground. Shielding is not always effective, especially against quantum tech. The USA currently owns the Electronic Warfare game, though China and Israel are catching up.
Starlink satellites are ubiquitous and cover the Earth. There are many other military and spy satellites, as well.
Maximum privacy: Stay on private property where you have control over data collection devices. Do not carry a digital device (watch, cell phone, etc). Do not use any credit cards or online payment systems, pay with paper money cash. Add shielding to your home or one room by turning it into a Faraday Cage (SCIF) with shielding paint and/or wire mesh to block radio frequencies (RF). No wifi or Bluetooth. Use a multi-frequency spectrum jammer (where legal) and an ultrasound audio jammer to prevent recording your conversations.
8. The Internet of Bodies
Chips have been implanted in operatives for decades. They can be tracked by satellite and even a person’s DNA frequency can be tracked:
In this bit of predictive programming from a Captain America film, they can track people’s DNA using satellites. The MAC address created from recent vaccines have created a mesh network of Low Energy Bluetooth devices from people that can connect to networks, relaying information to the data collectors.
Soon, you will be able to get your own chip, a Neuralink, if Elon Musk has his way. Many people don’t need to wait, they took the COVID vaccine, which contained self assembling nanotech you can see with any recent Android cell phone and SmartDiscover.apk software. Be sure to turn on “developer mode” to see all the “Vaccinated” around you and their personal vaccine MAC address. This is the Internet of Bodies. I’m not vaxxed and when I run this app on my phone up in the woods by myself and with no devices around, it shows nothing. When I’m in my office, I can see this:
Software discovers nearby Low Energy Bluetooth devices, including those from the Internet of Bodies. Driving down the road, at the airport or even in a cemetery, there are screens full of vaccinated. Each injection shows a different MAC address.
What can these Internet of Bodies bio-routers do? That’s still unknown, but it’s suspected they can be used to use 5G to remotely monitor the people, track them by satellite and then there is the “off switch”.
There are three clear pieces of evidence that micro or nanotechnology related to nano-communication is in the Covid injections, Mik Andersen of Corona2Inspect explained during an interview with RichPlanet earlier this year.
The first is the detection of rectangular and quadrangular objects that respond to a morphology of micro or nano “bowtie antennae” or double and quadruple leaf “bowties”, which are explicitly collected in the scientific literature in the context of intracorporeal wireless nano communication networks for nanoelectronic devices.
The second evidence is the detection of objects with apparent circumscribed circuitry, with an important similarity to the demux circuits of nano routers, among other devices not yet identified, see the images obtained by La Quinta Columna and the New Zealand team of researchers.
Third, the location of graphic evidence of epitexial self-assembly based on synthetic or artificial DNA templates. A new test of synthetic DNA self-assembly and nanotechnology has recently been obtained, finding an exact match between the type of crystals that form in vaccines, compared to those observed in the scientific literature on DNA nanotechnology. This last finding is about to be published, and we hope that it ends up dispelling any doubts about it.
These tiny devices inside your body can send information directly from your body to the cloud. This is the current capability of the Internet of Bio-NanoThings (IoBNT), which connects your biological cells to the internet.
Tiny devices the size of a grain of sand or dust that can listen and watch you are being put into everything, according to Julian Assange.
This smart dust and Internet of Bodies needs a power source. 5G can do that.
The trans-human agenda is happening and it will feed into the AI driven Panopticon system that will create an artificial digital reality. Who can contact you will be controlled, as will what information or fake news you’ll be able to access in your artificial AI reality.
Maximum privacy; Do not take any injections (in particular dental anesthesia and COVID vaccines), many now have loads of graphene that can self assemble into circuitry. Avoid devices with AI that “phone home” your information, like the latest Google or Apple phones.
9. The Holoweb - an AI Created Artificial Reality
Jim Stone (jimstonereloaded.com) has done a nice job describing the Holoweb. That’s a very good name that describes its functions; blocking the people who can communicate with you (and whom you talk to as well) and some of the information you can receive or send — creating a personal AI reality. The Holoweb blocks email, cell text messages, postal mail and filters search engine results and alters what you see to form a special reality for you. It literally destroys any real history. I’ve experienced files on my computer or cloud storage “disappear” and messages not getting through. This works on the principle of “you don’t miss what you are missing”.
From Jim’s web site:
Holoweb 2.0 - a perfect tool for blocking people from accessing whatever the forbidden site is.
“What is the Holoweb? It's your own fake safe space created by AI that is safe for "them", not you. The Holoweb is set up to give you the impression you are surfing for real, when really everything presented is whatever they allow you to see in your cage. And if you are an undesirable competing against a desirable, the desirable will get all the lasagna while YOU LOSE. Not all search results are created equal!
"they" often shut my computer down when I get onto something big, and once booted back up, there's no history to get back to where I was . . . . . only the Holoweb. Not a computer problem either, they know it is me when I log in to do this site and this will happen to ANY computer, mine, cyber cafe computers and others. All I need to do is find a way to jump the fence and BOOM.
The mess is so big that it would take a good presidency 10 years to root out all the problems and give us back the real internet. Will it happen? Not likely. Now I know why a large number of people discovered I was back online in the first couple days, and then absolutely no one else discovered it. They are being blocked.”
Another example of a personal reality generated by AI will be shopping. Here is a description of “Surge Pricing”, a form of yield management, which has been used by airlines for years but will be applied to retail and online shopping (from @WallStreetApes):
“Surge Pricing” in American grocery stores has arrived Kroger partnered with Microsoft to introduce AI-powered technologies for personalized pricing “Kroger just rolled out surge pricing using facial recognition technology: - Determine the maximum price of goods customers are willing to pay - Kroger has the ability to change the prices of their products depending on the facial image of the person buying them - Depending on the image of the person buying the product, they can access our information and dictate that price - Can also use our image to determine how often we buy certain products and increase the price of that product - Dynamic pricing in grocery stores could resemble the airline industry's ticket pricing strategies “This could lead to discriminatory practices using AI as a scapegoat to charge people of different races, different socioeconomic status, different family sizes, and different dietary restrictions different prices for the same products that they are buying” (Kroger, the largest grocery chain in the U.S., denied claims that ESLs would be used for surge pricing, insisting its pricing strategy aims to lower costs for consumers. "To be clear, Kroger does not and has never engaged in 'surge pricing.' Any test of electronic shelf tags is designed to lower prices for more customers where it matters most”) … Yeah right
If I can't spy on You, You can't spy on Me. This is an Ethical truth. In fact, the act of spying is robbing Others of privacy. And that is taking something that does not belong to You... Which breaks Law #2.
2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone
Spying is theft. Unless there is evidence that anOther has broken one of the three Laws, paying attention when anOther is unaware of it and it might be "used against" Them, is unEthical.
The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):
1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther
2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone
3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)
Love always.
Beam me up Scotty with a flip phone before there was such a thing as a flip phone. And now here we are.
Science fiction turns into reality.
Wow !!!
How did they know. Maybe because they already knew ???