Big Media is preparing everyone for what looks to be a difficult year ahead in 2025. See what the media is pushing: Apocalypse, starvation, pandemics, WWIII and financial depression. These predictions are a psyop and a form of “Revelation of the Method”, which warns people about harm about to befall them avoiding the karma that comes from doing bad deeds (they believe). It’s also a form of signaling to alert anyone who knows how to decode the signals. Many signs point to a spicy 2025 — those who are prepared will have no issues and nothing to fear...are you prepared?
The Simpsons has a long track record of successful predictions and The Apocalypse has been a persistent theme. Eventually, any prediction comes true — a broken clock is right twice a day.
The Economist Cover for 2025
The Economist is a periodical focusing on money and politics influenced and partly owned by the members of the banking dynasty Rothschilds (from chatGPT):
The Economist magazine is not directly owned by the Rothschild banking dynasty, but there is a connection. The magazine is primarily owned by a group of shareholders, with the most significant stake held by the Edinburgh-based Scott Trust and its affiliates. The Rothschild family has been linked to the ownership of The Economist through one of its prominent members, Jacob Rothschild, who has been an investor in the magazine. In fact, the Rothschild family is part of a consortium of investors that includes other high-net-worth individuals and financial institutions.
However, Jacob Rothschild himself did not directly own The Economist, but was involved in its management and investment decisions. The magazine's ownership structure is complex and includes multiple shareholders, such as the Guardian Media Group and individual investors, rather than being controlled by any one entity or family, including the Rothschilds.
In short, while the Rothschild family has had some involvement, it is not correct to say that The Economist is "owned" by them, as it is part of a diverse shareholder base.
The Rothschilds have a long track record of profiting handsomely by knowing what is going to happen. Here’s the Economist forecast for the “World Ahead 2025” in one image:
Saturn rules the Earth in 2025, if you follow the annual Economist magazine cover. Imagery like this is understood to be signaling among the cognoscenti and a warning to others.
Here are the things that come to mind from this cover:
-Saturn, the “Lord of the Rings” is at the topmost position, meaning everything is ruled by Saturn. From
Saturn, so active in the cosmic changes, was regarded by all mankind as the supreme god. Seneca says that Epigenes, who studied astronomy among the Chaldeans, “estimates that the planet Saturn exerts the greatest influence upon all the movements of celestial bodies.”…
-In ancient pagan mythology, Saturn ruled over the pre-Flood kingdom of Atlantis and became the divine ancestor of all earthly patriarchs and kings. LINK
-In astrotheology, Saturn is Satan, the cult of EL
-The ancient name of Saturn was, as mentioned, EL. It is the reason why those that were chosen by EL, were called Elites. In fact the words, Elect, Elder, Elevated, Elohim, Temple, Circle, Gospel, Apostle, Disciple, Evangelists, etc., all derive from the Cult of EL. (From “Why are we worshiping the cult of EL?)
-“Now, the name SATURN in Chaldee is pronounced Satur; but, as every Chaldee scholar knows, consists only of four letters, thus – Stur [ed. Star?]. This name contains exactly the Apocalyptic number.” (Hislop, p. 269)
S = 060
T = 400
U = 006
R = 200
= 666
-Sri Aurobindo, a Hindu guru well-known in the New Age affirms that SATURN IS REPRESENTED BY THE NUMBER 6… because the planet Saturn is 6th of the nine planets in distance from the sun.” (Marrs: Mystery Mark, p. 68)
-Semitic civilizations referred to the god Saturn as “El” (hello “El-on”). The supreme deity was represented by a black cube. We can find instances of the cube across the world (e.g. in Mecca). The cube is a 3D object (with six sides) and when flattened to 2D, the cube can be represented as a hexagon (again with six sides). References to Saturn can be found in corporate logos and symbolic public sculpture:
A popular meme showing corporate logos and public sculpture that reference Saturn.
The 3D cube becomes a 2D hexagon, when space is flattened.
How did the ancients know about Saturn and the hexagon (flattened cube) at the pole? Geometry and knowledge of dimensions was far advanced beyond our own primitive science by ancient initiated Mystery Religions.
-Trump is the centerpiece of this Economist cover. He is being installed (though he is not yet in office) for a reason. Some believe he is “the closer” and will bring in the NWO. It will be interesting to see how this plays out and why the Elites allowed Trump to win the election.
2025 is the Sixth Year of the Chinese Calendar
The Chinese new year begins on January 29, 2025 and it will be the Year of the Snake, which is known as a period of change to Chinese people. It is the sixth year in the calendar and as readers of this blog know, 6 is a very powerful number (6-6-6, 6 feet of social distancing, etc). As the AI says:
Overall, the Year of the Snake is a time for people to reflect, plan strategically, and embrace change with caution and careful thought. It is seen as an opportunity to grow and transform, but also to be mindful of the potential challenges that might arise.
Are snakes good? They’ve tempted Eve and bitten and killed many people. No, poisonous snakes are not good. That’s why we kill every rattlesnake we come across at the ranch. Watch for death and destruction during this Year of the Snake.
Cult Classic Film They Live Called Out 2025
They Live is a popular cult classic movie released in 1988 that reveals the alien invasion of Earth. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend it - it’s campy entertainment that can be eye-opening. Here’s a snip from the movie’s script calling out 2025 as the year the entire planet will be under this “alliance” of interdimensional aliens and Saturn worshipers.
Our projections show that by
the year 2025, not just America
but the entire planet will be
under the protection and dominion
of this power alliance.
is our stepping stone for a
greater galactic purpose!
The star of the film, former pro-wrestler Roddy Piper said this in his Twitter in 2013, prior to his untimely death:
“They Live is a documentary!!”
However much evil is in the world, never forget everything is under the ultimate control of The Creator. Everything we experience, all the tribulations and blessings are arranged to temper and improve us. We have the choice to go beyond the Illusion of Choice presented to us, but to escape the cave we must first discern good or evil.
Excellent post.
When you start to realize what’s really going on and become aware of the signs, symbols and messaging, you realize that it has been right in front of you’re face the whole time.
Either put on these glasses, or start eatin that trash can. 😎