Discerning the Evil that Rules the World
hidden in plain sight, the evil communicates, "heals" and cast spells. it wants your soul
“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.”
-attributed to Confucius. we would like to believe he said this, and he should have said this but its possible he never did.
NOTE TO MY READERS: This is a difficult topic. I do not expect everyone to understand or agree with everything in this post. I’m putting these things out by popular demand, so everyone can see what a certain group is saying in their own words and educate themselves - I’m sharing my own understanding and that is subject to change. Discernment between good and evil is the key and these are some tools your might find useful. Images and quotes are presented, you can draw your own conclusions.
Why is there so much evil and chaos in the world today?
The obvious answer is this was caused by people themselves, it’s a reflection of society’s poor moral character and state of mind. People have free will and they are making their own bad choices and this is what many of them have chosen. Getting to this point took thousands of years and everyone had a hand in it. Once things turn bad, the evil can enter because the field is suitable for its existance. However, when things reach the limit, they turn around.
Humans are not naturally evil and many still have their original good nature. The evil is everywhere like water, just waiting for a gap, an omission or an invitation to fill the void in a person. People invite evil in through their pursuit of fame, profit and health and many do it unknowingly. Once a person “joins the Cult” and invite the evil in, they make a blood oath, pledging their lives to that thing and promise to keep it secret, on their life. This is why it’s so hard to discern, it must remain hidden. Once exposed, it withers in the sunlight.
After years of searching, I have concluded that using the cosmic characteristic Truth, Compassion and Tolerance is the way to discern the difference between good and evil. Evil is emboldened and not that difficult to identify in plain sight.
The evil’s communication system lets others know who they work with and what they are up to in that community. They use hand gestures, symbols and numbers, geomancy (the placement of buildings, streets and cities), burning incense and papers, chanting incantations, etc. for healing and to cast spells. It can have healing powers, but what it uses is not good. It can only shift an illness, never cure it.
How has the evil manifested in our world? In society, one form is communism, an evil specter that is against Truth. This specter is not originally from our Earth, it came from somewhere else that doesn’t have Truth, Compassion and Tolerance. The “law” they follow is simple. “Do what Thou Wilt”. There is no restraint and anything goes. This is the Cult.
Karl Marx signaling with “The Hidden Hand”
As Marx himself described it in the Communist Manifesto (Chap. 2):
“There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.”
Even though someone might have a bad side, they certainly have a good side, as well, and this is a choice everyone must make. The evil used to be well hidden, but it’s now in plain sight.
Occultist Aliester Crowley is one of the most infamous Satanists of the 20th century. Note pyramid and eye icon on his hat.
Some rules of thumb you can use to ID the evil Cult as well as their sigels (signs and symbols with powers) they use for comms:
-Family lines are important. People are born into it. Everything has been very carefully arranged for much longer than this period of civilization — how would some “lucky” person end up with wealth, power or some benefit ordinary people can’t get. Look at the bigger picture!
US Presidents are also related to European royalty, everything is very well arranged. Spies, business empires, etc. also follow family lineage.
-Anyone with more than a few hundred million $$ is part of the Cult, whether they know it themselves or not. No one is allowed to accumulate real wealth or power in this material world without being part of the Cult. Some people who are not in family lines are invited in because they have proven themselves capable by earning lots of money or through other accomplishments. They want to pursue more and decide to join up. If you have wealth and turn down their invitiation(s) to join, you might see your net worth drop as you put yourself on their blacklist.
-Anyone in a significant position of power is in the Cult. President, governor, water board, judges, college admission officers, phone company, banking and Big Pharma execs, etc. These positions are heavily recruited and rigged for Cult members. When you understand this, you understand why it will never be possible to “vote harder” and change the result. The fix is always in.
-Top schools are full of them. Cult practitioners at higher levels are drawn from the top schools, in the US frequently Ivy Leagues. If you wonder why most Supreme Court members attended Ivy League schools and seem to vote the same way, now you know. The current court are all Ivy grads except for Amy Coney Barrett, who attended Notre Dame Law School. Attending an Ivy isn’t a 100% guarantee, but it’s on the checklist for obtaining wealth and power. It didn’t used to be this way, but it is now.
You don’t have to attend an Ivy League school to become a Supreme Court justice, but it helps. Same with banking, government, corporate management, and any other important area in society.
-Watch for signaling. Cult practitioners signal each other publicly using hand signs, tattoos and emblems, sculpture and markings on the ground, even the organization of cities, roads and buildings can show this. Frequently, you will see a small pyramid outside a building, one eye covered (meaning “all seeing eye”), eye inside a pyramid or the snake.
Covering one eye (represents “eye of Horus”) or winking, flashing “OK” (each extended finger makes a “6”with the circle of the thumb and index finger) 6-6-6 hand signs, putting the fingers of the right hand inside your vest (“hidden hand sign”) and others.
Dr. Fauci sends a message to fellow Cult members.
Here’s a pyramid in front of a building in Tokyo. These sigels can be found everywhere.
It’s even on the back of the US one dollar bill to be sure the spell is cast over everyone using this “money”. Novus Ordo Seclorum = New Order of the Ages
Here’s a tattoo Dr. David Martin has on his arm…The Eye of Horus, ancient Egyptian symbolism.
Washington DC and other important centers are carefully laid out to channel energy.
Here is “hero” Zelensky showing who he really works for.
-Inversion. Cross dressing, trans-sexual, homo-sexual, these are part of their practice and a form of worship and it is no accident the world is being flooded with this perversion. Everything is inverted at higher levels than Earth. What people think is good here is not good at higher levels. Inversion is one way Cult members show their loyalty. If you are wondering why the two creators of the popular film “The Matrix”, the Wachowski brothers became the Wachowski sisters…. The Matrix films are about being transgender, the trilogy's co-director says. "That was the original intention but the world wasn't quite ready," says Lilly Wachowski, who came out as trans along with her sister Lana after the films came out. LINK
This symbolism carries through other widely used symbols, including medicine. Can a snake be good?
Baphomet, Baal, Moloch…the evil has a number of names in different cultures and times.
Remember this next time you see an ambulance or hospital, you can’t unsee this.
-Magick numbers, the number 6 and the hexagram/hexagon. This is where the word HEX came from, it’s an evil spell used by sorcerers and witches…literally!
Six feet of COVID “distance” wasn’t chosen scientifically, most studies showed the safe distance was over 20 feet away. The Magick number six also helped to maintain the COVID spell over people, when they stood on these decals, they accepted the spell. Here is an advertisement used to sell floor decals.
-The symbol of the sun. Sun worship is ancient, from Egypt, Babylon and the prior civilization.
The “Black Sun” was used as a symbol by the Nazis. The swastika was chosen by the Nazis because they believed they gained supernormal powers by using it. The swastika designates attainment status for a Buddha, so it originally was good — it was peculated by Hitler.
An abstracted sun is used by Walmart and now Yeezy aka Kanye (Walmart is suing Kanye. LOL)
-The Cult “religion” is always hidden inside a person’s outer persona. Forget what religion you think the person is, if they practice these things or use these signals, they went over to the dark side, even though on the surface they appear to be a follower of a righteous religion. This is why it refers to the “hidden hand”.
-Popular culture (movies, music, books) and mass media are controlled by the evil. Right in your face now, even with a show called “Lucifer” on Netflix. Watching media is dangerous, if you think for a second something sounds “reasonable”, things can literally enter your mind because you just accepted them and invited them in. That’s how dangerous things have become.
Netflix’s “Lucifer” is out in the open. Note the “pyramid” hand sign, welcoming more people to Hell.
You might not believe any of this, but THEY believe it and actively use this sorcery to get what they want — they have gotten what they want for millenia, so it worked for them. These kinds of sorcery tricks work on weak minded people and as we know “the human mind is the weakest”. Be on your guard and now that I’ve shown you these clues, you can decide for yourself where someone stands and if you want to accept their “spells” or not. You can always turn off the TV set and stop watching mainstream news.
The Creator is here. Even the evil ones have a chance to choose their future. Telling you what I have learned could save you time in discerning good from bad. In the end, the choice is yours to make. Seeing the bad is one aspect, but you also will need to see the good.
Here is a group that follows Truth, Compassion and Tolerance; Falun Dafa aka Falun Gong, which is being persecuted in China by the CCP. Even in the face of evil, good people can prevail! More info: faluninfo.net
BONUS MATERIAL: Where did the evil come from? Some say a distant universe and the evil are interdimensional beings. That’s one understanding, trying to make sense of it all and this fits with what many religions have taught. Here’s one video that’s “out there” and supports this theory. YMMV, I am embedding this for discussion. It goes a long way to explaining what’s happening and it applies to all people, not just one particular religious group. Everyone is susceptible, but everyone still has a choice and can reject these things!
Good post and good points thanks. Although the US Presidents are indeed related in the ways shown there have been many additional factors other than genetics and becoming accustomed to family power. Each individual and each family has choices anew with each generation. But this has all as you point out been thousands of years in the making. If we go back far enough to the beginnings of civilizations we will assuredly find the same crazy threads. Once humans traded "primitive" freedom for the supposed safety of civilizations they began reinforcing certain types of power. We the people determine and reinforce these individual's power.