Jun 28Liked by Decode the World

Excellent point, DtW. I hadn't thought about it that way but I think you're definitely right. We're going along with something that we know is so embarrassing, it's like we're all walking around with toilet paper sticking out of our pants, and nobody dares mention it.

And TSA. Major humiliation ritual. So many. And yes, those don't look at all like the same person. But they keep faltering ... on purpose?

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My mistake in college was studying engineering. Psychology is so much more useful, apparently. Now that you've seen what's happened here, you will notice many other things done specifically to humiliate people as part of their Reset.

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My 30 year old stepson has a psychology degree. He avoided the vaxx, but I suspect it's because he's contrarian, like his father. Outside of that, he vacillates between somewhat normal and 'trees have civil rights.' Because.... liberal college experience.

My guess is that your engineering professors might have been more normal, so you might have been exposed to less social programming than someone in a liberal arts field.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Decode the World

Definitely that POS man who shaves his head and wears a dress and lipstick who was caught stealing at the airport. That is certainly making a fool out of all of us.

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This is a multi-dimensional Humiliation Ritual. Once you see it, you'll find it many other places. I'd forgotten about that clown and he's definitely part of the big picture.

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Jun 28Liked by Decode the World

It is 100% a humiliation ritual. A mockery. It's to say, look at what we are doing, we can do whatever we want and there's nothing you can do about it you unwashed subhuman cattle. That's the message they're sending, laughing as people continue gobbling up the obvious fakery.

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Nailed it.

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I know someone who can do something about it. Just wait.

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Jun 28Liked by Decode the World

Thank you for this post. I have believed this since this creep was installed. Seems like full speed ahead for tptb agenda. What I'm trying to figure is what is so special about 2030?

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Magnetic pole shift, it's already started and airport runways are already being relabelled, as they rely on magnetic north for compass bearings. Once it gets far enough along, the Earth will flip over like this wing nut in zero g:


2030 is a hard stop and natural deadline they know about, but they keep it secret from the public, blaming CO2 and taxing people more while destroying economies and the food supply. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

The reburial of Gobekli Tepe is part of hiding the records of what happened the last time around 12,000 years ago when the last Great Reset happened. The stone records at that site recorded everything and this information is power.

I expect to see Gavin Newsom installed as the next president after they put Trump in jail.

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This is an excellent post but I will challenge this comment. The clip that you showed from the debate reinforces the humiliation ritual assertion very well but I would like to draw attention to another moment that suggest foreshadowing. Trump at one point reminds us of his willingness to deploy the National Guard to quell the civil unrest during his first term. His next term will no doubt also feature similar unrest. It may be well underway even before his inauguration. The second Trump term will introduce martial law to America, by popular demand!

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Yes, they are playing both sides and there is a bigger "celestial" force at play ultimately driving everything. Unrest is baked into the plan. Trump may or may not have a role in that. He won't be issuing and orders from jail, if that's where they put him.

Place our faith in The Creator, not men.

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Jun 28Liked by Decode the World

"Place our faith in The Creator, not men."

I think this is the most important statement you've made.

Another version of "we're not going to vote our way out of this."

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Jun 28Liked by Decode the World

I’ll side with you

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The national guard may be needed to stop the illegals from taking you from your homes and mass rapes..get with it. Trump 2024.

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Economist Martin Armstrong, who has his own predictive computer, claims it's going to be Killary. We'll see.

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Hi Decode, I couldn't have said it better, i.e., "Humiliation Rituals are one of the most important ways people become initiated in sororities and fraternities, secret societies and now the One World Order." I often wonder if most Americans actually know what they're looking at, what the images of Biden mean, what message are they sending.

The Deep State likes Biden because he makes the U.S. look like a has-been, outdated, senile, drugged, and manageable country!! Unbearable! Every time the TV news obsesses on Biden-Kamala-Myorkas-Satanyahu etc. they are sending you a message. That message is Ha ha ha ha hee hee hee hee.

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I had not thought of this, but now… It is so clear to Me! Glad I’m not in that ritual, being sovereign and outside that political mess, hoping the rest of You all join Me here. Very good work, DtW! Thank You!

Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Decode the World

Do you remember when the cameras caught Boris Johnson, then British Prime Minister, in a meeting with one of the Biden imposters in The Oval Office, calling him out and whispering, "You're not Joe Biden! Who the bloody hell are you?!" Priceless:



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That first video is a keeper, the second one is good, too (but unable to download it). Be sure to download all videos like these and store offline. Things are disappearing.

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Jun 30Liked by Decode the World

I remember noticing how much "Dr. Jill Biden" was talked up by both Obamas during his office. Hmmm, so the plans were already going into place for this then. Remember ever hearing anything about Pence's wife -- I have even forgotten her first name -- other than that he called her "Mother"?

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Jul 1Liked by Decode the World


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"the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate..forced to repeat the lies themselves..One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded..A society of emasculated liars is easy to control."

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I have the wisest readers! Thank you for your comment.

Communism is the most evil, it goes against Truth, a fundamental characteristic of the cosmos.

"There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience." --The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx

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Great article. The Controllers are getting increasingly blatant about conveying to the masses their desire to utterly destroy them, along with their methodologies for doing so. Freemasonic "Revelation of the Method" or "The Making Manifest of Things Previously Hidden." The people, mesmerized in a digital death dream trance, are making so significant moves to counter-attack against their destroyers.

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I apologize for the typo. "... so significant moves" should be "... no significant moves".

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Fabulous article commentary. Since the time s of Sargon..the pres

Abrrahamic mystery religions..unified as they once were.....Genghis Khan...vlad theimpaler...moses maimonidees..menachem mendle Schneerson.. now with Albright,r.b.ginsburgh.. feinstein ...Kissinger Pol pot...robert durst.. rotting in Hell...and sabatai Levy..or tsvi.....dagon the fish god... Solomon the demon summoner alcoholic false messiah..,the world has roiled along under glowering bleak apocalyptic skies ..the zeitgeist

of the late great planetoid earth...more .misery.genicides ,..new holocausts!..false prophets, the obvious ..degenerates ...preplanned mass starvation s so now. we are supposed to roll out the royal red carpet for genocide Joe Biden body invaded body double 5 ... Formaldehyde Joe. .an odious onerous obvious redundant .zograt. ....and get down the 3 monkey no see ,no hear, no speak. with..rfk..a Zionist ..or trumprat the clockwork orange chabadnick..flaming grifter Zionist..

Or you could chill out with the Father Guido

Sarducci ..you know,..selling ants in the basement of the Vatican..or conveniently forget a wasted vote for Isreal firster Judas goat t--rump, is a vote for beta male Jared kushner and proud WEF-blackrock member and former punk rocker turned chabad

Lubavitch whore javanka kushner trump."..only a fool thinks we can vote our way out of the New Jew Order cyborg totalitarian dystopia...

.only a delusionary real fool thinks only Government and freemason steroid cops should have Guns......"good luck with that * No one in their right mind wants globohomosexual jewpig Gavin gruesome newsome or lesbian murderess blood dripping crimeboss Hilly clinton as a bait and switch for genocide joe....**Rearm Now.*Give them No quarter.* Destroy the WEF -Blackrock front puppets of the New Jew Order.Uttrrky remorselessly Destroy the New Jew Order** Look at the rothschild head of the snake ..not only the tentacles.**.Don't give "them"a moments peace.

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Jun 29Liked by Decode the World

Typo from the dumbphone.the keyboard jumped..its hscked.....the. pre. Abrahamic mystery religions once unified...

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Great points. Killary Clinton is a male to female, transsexual androgyne. The Trannys have become ubiquitous.

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It is most unfortunate..a very bad omen...the eye of Sauron really....that there is now an unabashed New American Jewish Taliban..A New American Jewish Sanhedrin 3..that if not..supporting Body double 5 Biden..genocide Joe ..formaldehyde Joe..opts for the self proclaimed messiah -king. of antichrist Isreal..dj trumprat..*you see..it's O.K. for JEWS ..the golden calf baphometic sacred cow class...to impose their in group preference Uber -alles....but it's Never O.K. to counter question or counter attack the Ben Shapiro -----Kill Them All!--Kill All of Them- cult. **At what point of intersectionality..of obvious militant socialist Jewish luciferian leftwingnut psychosis..will America rise up and delete with extreme justified prejudice this hive minded Jewish squaminous

cytotoxic mutagenic bivalent carcinoma of the soul?...Wokeness. .. is promulgated disseminated..originated by Jews*..no references to dead Antonio gramschi makes even a dent in the squalid current "American "political deathscape the world sees now..this Fools based order...dysphoric dystopian deliberate preplanned chaos......at the end of the day...there are 3. flaming Zionists for sale....formaldehyde Joe... trumprat...and . rfk..3

ziocon monkey s who... see no evil ,speak no evil ,do no evil ..since "evil"means anything bad for the Isreal firster satanic uniparty in power...like nabka one..nabka two..nabka three.....

America has 80 years of the imposed gentrified super empowered Isreal firster uniparty..entrenched..gentrified. like honey pot social massmedia. entrainment. entrapment .entrancement....who voted for The Jews micromanaging that? Disassemble the Isreal firster zionist american national security apparatus now...tear it all down..there is a tidal wave of precedents for the New American Kristallnacht.....*

who s culpable?...here s a short list....zients... gellman cecille richards...Sam altman..solomon fried..schmuely boteach.. jon pollard ..Geffen pritzker Schumer ballmer greaves ..ballmer Ellison...zelensky.. newsome.schwab Harari fink schswarsmen...blankfein...Maxwell abramovitch kushner Soros Jamie dimon ..Janet yellin ...Rothschild Schumer nadler chipman dettlebach lipstadt..Jewish planned parenthood..Greenblatt potok..b.b.specter..fauci bourla.. zaks ..foxman..Richard Branson ..bronfman...bezos Buffett gates..Satanyahoo geveer.the whole house of bastardized fake Isreal...**no Jew micromanaged preplanned starvation!**No GMO glyphosate 5G filth**No aerosol stratospheric injections(chemtrails ring a bell?)..no 15minutes cities ** Destroy the WEF-blackrock Jew Biden junta** Rearm Now**

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Look real closely- it is not even the same person playing as biden- gee i wonder what happened to him…

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