"Everyone must attack the man who tries to escape. The last one to touch him gets shot. If he is outrunning you all, he gets shot."

The level of logic is similar to problems told by quant firms for decades. They're... usually less grim. Campy even.

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You're hired!! LOL

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Sounds like Their were looking for a creative psychopath...

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Sep 3Edited

Larry Fink WEF globalist satanism

The new Nazis.

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The new globohomosexual technofacist Jews. comprise The New Jew Order*. They are...Dystopian deranged degenerate Jewish Classic gay Communist Sadists*..note..to" them" all lunatic transhumanist transexuals are also welcome**

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Birds of a feather flock together, right?!

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"They hire their own." Every company does this.

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The classic film "The dirty dozen" exemplifies this the best😂.

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The new film by Guy Richie "The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare" is the same, it's about Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond. He recruited the most unsavory criminals for his spycraft in real life.

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I'll get round to watching it, cheers "thas has to work with what thy's got" 😂 it's a redemption and salvation process.👍

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If I were a bad guy.......

Tell them if one attempts escape, 10 others will be shot at random, they will then stop each other from escaping.

An easy one.....

Good job I'm a good guy, they all got it wrong 😂

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THIS was soo thought provoking. It's no wonder that I don't interview well. Lol

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It's not your fault, they are looking for sociopaths, not good people.

Like my friend, be thankful they didn't take you!!

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Thank You! I am BLESSED & grateful :)

I just need to get creative on the financial front!

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Sep 4Edited

Only one murderer can survive. The winner will be handed the gun. They can then decide their fate. If they win, they can shoot the guard. Once reduced to just the single prisoner. They will voluntarily remain in confinement.

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Sep 4
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Yes, they do. Many have taken a blood oath as part of their secret society membership.

To reach advanced levels, they must demonstrate their ability to lie "for their cause".

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