Succinct thinking about flags and their territory. I didn’t know about the double standard. These people are the mirror opposite of the Christian fundamentalists they so hate. They can’t resist shoving their bedroom into everyone’s life. They also can’t resist owning other bodies through masks and pharma injections being mandated.

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Everything is obvious, if you know what to look for. So predictable, too. Thanks for your comment, Jerome.

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I learn so much from you, DtW. Santa Cruz has a BLM street mural, similarly on the street itself. They threw the book at a couple of teenagers who similarly 'defaced' it, saying it was a hate crime. And then it happened again. Glad you're paying attention to these clues.

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I learn many things from your posts, too, Tereza!

Once we see the evil that surrounds us, we can expose it. We are literally in a "Sea of Suffering" (as Buddha Shakyamuni said it).

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Last “Pride Month” EVER!

We must ensure this is the case.

Here and NO FURTHER!!

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Good one. (Found your post on HenryMakow.com .)

Here's a thought for you. The Rainbow is the symbol of the Noahide Laws. The Rainbow is also a symbol of satan. Chuck Schumer is married to a man. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's the deception and secrecy that counts.

The website below is owned by a knowledgeable gay man. I respect his research.


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I'll have a look at that site. Yes, this is inversion of everything and "doing what thou wilt".

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Flags are like a symbol of conquest indeed, there's a sense of pride that serves one side of a conflict; by placing a flag on new territory, they project a psychological element of Annexation.

Flags can be a thing used for positive or negative, it seems that our "Government" has many of these symbols to convince us of "Legitimacy," if they can make us feel patriotic, then they think they have our consent to make us go fight wars that we don't agree with.

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“Symbolizing a country, movement or idea they denote conquest or loyalty.”

The word “conquest “stood out to me in this sentence. That seems to be their goal. To conquer us bye imposing their ideology on others and if we don’t agree we are punished as you described.

The sad thing is our own government, schools and businesses are all working together to conquer us. As we all know this is just one of the many ways they are trying to do just that.

Great article and as always I learned a thing or two.

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It's a conquest in the strict definition of the word. Many of these things are humiliation rituals, psyops designed to pacify and denigrate the conquered.

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It would be fun to go to Pike and 10th and do some doughnuts on that "protected" pride cross walk. Show some support for the kids that got arrested and support for free speech at the same time.

Or just drive by, while a big bucket of paint accidentally falls off my truck 😎

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"It was a accident" (sic).

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When We grasp that the "United States" is a for-profit corporation, and has been since 1871, under no constrictions to follow the original document used to form the country commonly called "America," We can see that no violations of anything said therein is enFORCABLE.

The corporation will do whatever the owners want.

Perhaps We would best cease consenting to being ruled by a for-profit corporation with no interest in Us, but only in profiting the owners...

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting

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This is what they mean when they say "our democracy". Corporations are democracies, the shareholders control at some level with their votes. But only shareholders can vote. Are we shareholders in the UNITED STATES, Inc.?

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Nope. We're slaves...

A Discussion on Accounting for Our Energy Added (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-discussion-on-accounting-for-our

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https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_Jewish_Autonomous_Oblast I'll take the Swastika over the Jew fag flag, any day. Hail Victory. \o

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A 'master class' in manipulating.

Our rainbow flag is our symbol for a emancipatory movement. We fought for our right to live, for being granted human and civil rights. Our fight was for rights, not for 'tolerance' .

We did not wage a war (though we fought the war on us) nor did we invade any country, any moon. We didn't need to, we always have been there.

If the powers that should not be now usurpate the symbol of our fight - a symbol SHARED with many others - for their own agendas, blame it to them.

If you - who ever 'you' are - don't want to emancipate from whatever state you are in, thats your decision, thats fine. Fighting the emancipating process, the persuit of happiness - and the symbols - of others tells a lot.

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Jun 18Edited
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That's up for debate by many people, as to whether humans actually visited the moon or not. Remember Apollo is the Sun God that they worship and there were many reasons why they do things the way they do. Someone has been to the moon, Mars and other planets -- maybe not in the manner we think. We are told so little of our true history.

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Jun 19
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ha. thought someone might bring this up. that this still even being rationally debated/talked about is beyond ludicrous. that human beings landed on & walked on the moon in 1969 is quite easily proved impossible by anyone able to use 3rd grade mathematics.

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