Really interesting, Decode. I've been reading over the Amarna Letters, the stone tablets sent to the Egyptian king from his vassal lords. Most of them complain about how the Habiru (early form of Hebrew) were putting their towns under siege and getting the people to kill their own mayors, as the vassal lords were known. Their leader of the Habiru was Abdi-Ashirta, represented as the jackal. Was this Abraham or Ab-Ra-Hammurabi, combining the god, like in Isis-Ra-El?
If so, who was the lord? We know that angel means messenger, also translated as spy, and archangels were messengers of the archons. The royalty of Egypt was infiltrated and usurped in one period where the cult of Set introduced a bloody and ruthless regime of exploitation. Was that how Abdi-Ashirta was appeased--an offer of land to rule? Or did his son become the Hyksos, foreign rulers of Egypt, located in Avaris?
The Bible is certainly key to understanding the psychopathy. Thanks for this.
Thank you as always for your thoughtful analysis and research. It is much appreciated! I'm an America First enthusiast. They've been fighting in the Middle East forever. We can't solve this and should stay out. Let them die in their own shit.
I haven't been in direct contact with Jim for a while now, but his site is relatively active (posting every few days or so). If he sees this, pls leave a message here or via DM on substack.
I think that Ba'al might have been a usurped god from the Canaanites, Isis-Ra-El's most coveted territory. Laurent Guyenot talks about Ba'al as an agrarian diety, not requiring the blood sacrifices like Set/ Seth/ Yahweh.
The stone of the Pregnant Woman is the 2nd largest carved stone Block on earth. The First Largest hand carved stone Block on earth is right under it. bibi buttboy has just started bombing the Magnificent, very ancient and mysterious City of Ba'albek.🤔🤡🌎😎
Really interesting, Decode. I've been reading over the Amarna Letters, the stone tablets sent to the Egyptian king from his vassal lords. Most of them complain about how the Habiru (early form of Hebrew) were putting their towns under siege and getting the people to kill their own mayors, as the vassal lords were known. Their leader of the Habiru was Abdi-Ashirta, represented as the jackal. Was this Abraham or Ab-Ra-Hammurabi, combining the god, like in Isis-Ra-El?
If so, who was the lord? We know that angel means messenger, also translated as spy, and archangels were messengers of the archons. The royalty of Egypt was infiltrated and usurped in one period where the cult of Set introduced a bloody and ruthless regime of exploitation. Was that how Abdi-Ashirta was appeased--an offer of land to rule? Or did his son become the Hyksos, foreign rulers of Egypt, located in Avaris?
The Bible is certainly key to understanding the psychopathy. Thanks for this.
I need a Bible, now!
Thank you as always for your thoughtful analysis and research. It is much appreciated! I'm an America First enthusiast. They've been fighting in the Middle East forever. We can't solve this and should stay out. Let them die in their own shit.
Good info! And great to see Jim Stone back online. Thought he was a gonner a while back!
I haven't been in direct contact with Jim for a while now, but his site is relatively active (posting every few days or so). If he sees this, pls leave a message here or via DM on substack.
Chinese Year of the Dragon plays into this? Could be 2036. Could have been 2012.
What will happen to the Christians in Syria?
And what about Ukraine? Isn't that the ancestral home of the Ashkenazi?
Meaningful Gross Israel state patch. Insane these guys. Determined to build the temple over AlAxa mosque, meaning global war. Let,s share this patch
Great post, Thanks!
But, but, israeHells lord is Ba'alzeebub, right(lucifer)? I'm only 9 yrs old, but this seems like total bullshit to me!
I think that Ba'al might have been a usurped god from the Canaanites, Isis-Ra-El's most coveted territory. Laurent Guyenot talks about Ba'al as an agrarian diety, not requiring the blood sacrifices like Set/ Seth/ Yahweh.
Have you ever researched Ba'albek in Lebanon? The stone of the pregnant woman. I think it was those jeWish Phoenician critters, involed up there.
I haven't but I did one episode that looked at the Ba'altimore Bridge that was rammed:
Good Stuff, Tereza. I will check it out, now.🤡🌎😎
The stone of the Pregnant Woman is the 2nd largest carved stone Block on earth. The First Largest hand carved stone Block on earth is right under it. bibi buttboy has just started bombing the Magnificent, very ancient and mysterious City of Ba'albek.🤔🤡🌎😎