Jan 18Liked by Decode the World

Really great, comprehensive article, Decode. I had asked this question of Hannah, who uses the svastika as her icon, and she'd given me the surprising answer from Encyclopedia Brittanica. Then Julius Skoolafish gave more references, including ones showing Hitler to have used the design early on, in 1919. I'd heard about the Theosophist connection also. Your connection to the Kabbalah gives some credence that Hitler was, perhaps, secretly working for the Rothschilds/ Londonium and the German people were really the burnt sacrificial offering--something the firebombing of Dresden for no war purpose seems to correlate.

This quote fits more with the research I've done on the Shemite dynasty of the Torah than what I've learned about Hitler: "Hitler wanted these hidden and dark powers of sorcery to give his empire unmatchable powers. He also wanted to tie his regime to a story of racial purity and ancient history to make the Third Reich the next Roman empire, a natural successor for a world order under a theocracy. Theocracy means the rulers want to be worshipped as Living Gods — this is what was promised to the top level Nazis."

I wanted to do more research on "my now 86 year old Holocaust survivor friend standing next to me said 'I lost seven close family members in Ukraine at the hands of the Nazis...' By my calculations, she would have been born in 1938, and so 3-7 yrs old at the time. " I haven't known anything about this part of history, so I went to an article in the Detroit Jewish News: https://www.thejewishnews.com/opinion/what-zelensky-gets-wrong-about-the-holocaust-in-ukraine/article_efe1d1d5-b480-5674-bd83-29ca81aba8e8.html.

He writes, "As I show in my recently published book, In the Midst of Civilized Europe: The Pogroms of 1918-1921 and the Onset of the Holocaust, only 20 years earlier, Ukrainians opposing Bolshevik rule had murdered tens of thousands of their Jewish neighbors. The Jews and the Bolsheviks, they had falsely claimed, were one and the same. The Nazis purposefully revived this myth. They enticed Ukrainians to assist in murder as revenge for the crimes the Bolsheviks had inflicted in Ukraine — mass arrests and executions, and, most notably, forced grain requisitions that had resulted in a famine killing 3.5 million people in 1932-1933."

What his article states is that killings were done by 'Ukrainian soldiers', 'German special units with the collaboration of Ukrainian auxiliary police and militia', and 'perpetrated by locals, and some without even a German presence. “The ones that did the shooting, and the ones that did the arresting, and the ones that carried out these atrocities were not Germans; this was the local Ukrainian police.”' Another says, "In hundreds of locales with the assistance of local Ukrainian collaborators" and "Ukrainian police enforced the regulations."

The only dispute the author seems to have with the accounts is that the Ukrainians were wrong about the Bolsheviks and Jews being one and the same. We, he implies, know better than they did who their oppressors were and who was responsible for the 3.5M Ukrainian deaths by starvation and the 20M Soviet deaths. To the death toll by the Bolsheviks should be added all WWI deaths post 1916 when they convinced England to not accept Germany's offer of peace without reparations. That this was done in exchange for Palestine deeded to the Int'l Zionist really seems to connect the Bolsheviks and the Jews. Am I wrong about that?

If we were to substitute 'Shemitic empire' for 'the Jews' and look at these as actions by a ruling dynasty out to conquer the world--like we've characterized Hitler--we'd see them as acts of aggression, civil war and foreign coups. What confuses us is the designation as a religion, which is why it's important to expose that the doctrine of the religion is the right to rule over the world, with other races to be their slaves. As Benjamin Freedman said, no one cared how someone worshipped God. It's making their rulers into Gods over others that mattered.

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Jan 18Liked by Decode the World

No mention of the rotation of the Big Dipper around the pole star and it’s relation to this ancient symbol?

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