Imminent Danger: Magnetic Field Collapse and Pole Shift, not "Climate Change"
Stopping cow farts and paying carbon taxes won't help
Climate change is being blamed on cow farts and burning “fossil fuels”. The mainstream claims that by taxing carbon emissions and destroying modern economies you can save the world. In fact, Climate Change (changing weather) is only one symptom of the real “Great Reset” — the pole reversal of the Earth that happens every ~12,000 years. Pole reversal can be magnetic and/or geo-physical. Carbon has almost zero to do with this big picture — there really is a great danger facing the Earth, but it’s not from CO2.
What will have more impact on your life? A gas that provides life to plants going from 0.04% to 0.05% of the atmosphere? Or the poles reversing and flipping the Earth around, potentially causing massive tidal waves, entire continents sinking to the bottom of oceans, and melting of the poles (and reforming them into the tropics) and even reversing the spin of the Earth?
Earth’s magnetic field protects us from solar and space radiation threats. (Illustration: NASA)
Look at CO2 — it’s a tiny part of the atmosphere. According to Google’s AI:
As of May 2024, the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in Earth's atmosphere is 427 parts per million (ppm), or about 0.04%.
It’s a tiny amount of gas, compared with the overall atmosphere. And plants depend on CO2 to maintain their lives. But an entire psyop has been crafted to have you believe cow farts are going to burn up the world.
A popular meme. The temperatures stay the same, but the map is now red, not green. Do you feel hotter now?
Many CO2 emissions from the OECD countries have moved to China. The net result is a boom in new, reliable coal fired power plants in China and a booming economy in China, shifting wealth from OECD countries to China. Carbon taxes and emissions are a way to transfer wealth from those who have it (OECD countries) to those who don’t (China). The ultimate goal is to put nature on their balance sheet to extract more wealth for themselves.
A chart from the BBC shows how much CO2 China emits. OECD puts the brakes on your country’s economy, while China is free to “pollute”. If CO2 was so terrible, why would they allow China to pump it out without restriction? You should think about that.
A big deal is being made of CO2, but this is a distraction from the big picture that will cause huge changes to our Earth. The magnetic field is collapsing right in front of us, which potentially portends massive catastrophic changes. Carbon “climate change” is insignificant in comparison and useful mainly to line pockets with money.
The Poles Have Shifted Before
In fact, there are plenty of geologic and fossil records to prove the Earth’s poles have moved many times in the past.
From LiveScience:
A tropical forest densely packed with 12-foot-tall trees with flared trunks and curved branches of needle leaves — Dr. Seuss would have felt right at home — covered an area near the equator some 380 million years ago. Scientists spotted the fossilized stumps a long way from this location — in Arctic Norway.
The rocks also show changing magnetic fields. From
ONE DAY in 1905, the French geophysicist Bernard Brunhes brought back to his lab some rocks he’d unearthed from a freshly cut road near the village of Pont Farin. When he analyzed their magnetic properties, he was astonished at what they showed: Millions of years ago, the Earth’s magnetic poles had been on the opposite sides of the planet. North was south and south was north. The discovery spoke of planetary anarchy. Scientists had no way to explain it.
There have been many catastrophes over the course of history on Earth. From Zhuan Falun, Lecture 1 (pg. 24) the Founder of Falun Gong, Qigong-Master Li Hongzhi:
It is impossible that our planet Earth, in this immense universe and the Milky Way, has been orbiting very smoothly at all times. It might have bumped into a certain planet or run into other problems, leading to great disasters. From the perspective of our supernormal abilities, it was just arranged that way. I made a careful investigation once and found that humankind has undergone complete annihilation 81 times. With a little remaining from the previous civilization, only a small number of people would survive and enter the next period, again living a primitive life. As the human population increased, civilization would eventually emerge again. Humanity has experienced such periodic changes 81 times, and yet I have not traced them to the end.
Someone knows about these predictable shifts in the Earth’s climate and their cause and is hiding this information from the public. Wouldn’t people who know about this in advance have a big advantage over those who don’t know? These stories have been memorialized in stories like the Epic of Atra-Hasis (stone tablet) and sites such as Goblecki Tepe in Turkey. This is the hidden history.
Stone tablet with the Epic of Atra-Hasis, the flood story. (Public Domain,
The “Vulture Stone” from Goblecki Tepe in Turkey. Many believe this site memorializes a great catastrophic event in Earth’s natural history. (Wikipedia)
The Real “Great Reset” is the Pole Shift
The magnetic field measurements have been hidden, but the shift in the magnetic poles cannot be hidden — anyone with a compass can measure it. If there really is a “Great Reset” of Earth every 12,000 years or so, why would it be hidden and considered a great secret? It has to do with power and control. Knowing this history, people could prepare for disaster and be saved. Anyone knowing about this calamity in advance could prepare and protect themselves. What kind of selfish person would only think of themselves in a situation like this?
They want control, money and power to gain from having information others do not have. In the meantime there is money to be made and carbon taxes are a nice way to skim wealth from the economy. Any distraction from the Carbon tax / Climate Change narrative will be hidden by the media.
A popular meme that describes how science has been hijacked by the money printers.
Earth’s Magnetic Poles are Flipping
Here is some information from Air University of the US Military:
The most serious pole reversal effect is the weakening of the geomagnetic field, which decreases in strength by 90 percent during the reversal process. With a reversal lasting several hundred years, the greatest threat to United States national security would arise from adverse space weather. While the term space weather extends beyond the Sun’s influence to include 15 charged particles, cosmic rays, and other phenomenon, this research focuses on the danger posed by coronal mass ejections (CMEs). CMEs are enormous clouds of charged plasma with magnetic fields ejected into space from the Sun’s corona. These plasma clouds crash into the Earth’s magnetosphere, causing geomagnetic storms, which disturb and distort the magnetic field. CMEs create both geomagnetic storms and geomagnetically induced currents, which have devastating impacts on electrical components and other aspects of the infrastructure. While CMEs are only a part of the space weather environment, they pose the greatest risk to the Earth during the reversal period.
…Additional research conducted in the United States showed field change rates up to 6 degrees per day and 1 degree per week for two reversal events, demonstrating that a rapid directional change of the field is common. 16 There is building evidence and support for the prevalence of rapid directional change during geomagnetic reversals.
This video is a very good description from a reliable source, SpaceWeatherNews on Twitter. He covers the following:
-Earth’s magnetic field is weakening, significantly. The models and data for this are now being altered.
-Earth’s magnetic poles are shifting, preparing for reversal. This can be measured by anyone with a compass.
-What happens when the magnetic poles reverse? No one alive today can know, but ancient and hidden history tells us it’s likely to be a catastrophe.
Original video on Twitter here:
Here is what the actual magnetic pole shift measurements look like:
The rate of movement of the magnetic north pole is increasing.
The South magnetic pole is also moving. These measurements can be validated with a simple compass (no hiding this data).
The movement of the magnetic poles is also being “memorialized” with airport runway relabeling. From International Airport Review:
Almost every year, due to international safety regulations, there is an airport in some part of the world that needs to renumber, and therefore rename, its runways.
In the international aviation world, all runways are numbered following the same logic so that pilots can be sure they are landing on the correct runway and from the correct direction.
These numbers are painted on both ends of the runway, shown in sign panels, and used when communicating with air traffic control and with international databases.
The numbers are based on the runway’s magnetic bearing, indicating their position to the Earth’s North Magnetic Pole.
Why do the numbers need to be changed?
The North Magnetic Pole wanders constantly, by around 60 kilometres per year. If the compass bearing will, at a certain point, round off to another decadegree, the runway must be renamed based on international aviation regulations.
If the liquid magnetic core of the Earth is moving around to this extent, could we see a magnetic and other pole reversal, similar to what is measured on the sun? How much will the magnetic field collapse affect life on Earth?
Is the Earth About to “Flip”?
In the early days of space stations, a Russian cosmonaut named Dzhanibekov noticed something very peculiar….a wing nut spun off it’s bolt in zero gravity would flip over on its own, over and over. Here’s what this looks like:
It does the same thing on Earth, but you’ll need a high speed camera to catch the action:
This is a rotating mechanism, something establishment physics will not acknowledge. What makes the Earth spin around? What is pushing it? It will take physics some time to catch up to these ideas, as the current “spinning tennis racket” explanation isn’t good enough. What’s to keep the Earth from doing the same thing as the wingnut? This sounds like it’s impossible, but we should put it in the list of possibilities.
Now for some “conspiracy theory” spice from a prescient video in 2010:
Summary: this person completely nailed the COVID operation, lockdowns, etc. ten years before they happened. The punchline is the “geophysical event that takes place every 11,500 years”. A group of people are aware of these events, in advance, as this video shows. Is this the real “Great Reset”?
Listen to Elon Musk describe “the deep rabbit hole” of the “10,000 year climate cycle”:
“They” know. And now you do, too.
Other Notable Effects to Watch For
The human brain is a bio-chemical/electrical organ that can be influenced through magnetic fields and radio frequencies. From
In a CalTech study, scientists determined that human brains do in fact have a sixth sense many have long suspected; magneto-reception. Much like the various animals that use the planet’s magnetism for navigation, the study showed that humans are subconsciously affected by Earth’s ever-shifting magnetic field.
What happens when the Earth’s magnetic field goes haywire? What will happen to the human’s minds inside that field.
Aren’t people going crazy? Watch the news. There seem to be more crazy people every day. The changing magnetic field on Earth is a plausible explanation for this phenomena.
Another visible effect is the stunningly colorful “northern lights” seen at southern latitudes.
This image was taken by a friend in Idaho during the last wave of “northern lights”. They were also visible in the San Francisco Bay Area, which is quite unusual.
Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is another potential civilization ending phenomena that would destroy power grids and electronics. Air University has this bit of doom in CATACLYSMIC POLARITY SHIFT IS U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY PREPARED FOR THE NEXT GEOMAGNETIC POLE REVERSAL?:
A best-case scenario would be lost communications across a wide area of the United States for several hours in the event of a short duration mass ejection event. A worst-case scenario would see the effects of the CME and resulting geomagnetic storm destroying communications satellites and the electrical power grid, which could take out communications capabilities for weeks or months.
Summary: Do not believe the Climate Hoax hysteria, look at the big picture. Do pay close attention to the changes happening with the Earth’s protective magnetic field and the effects they are having on people and the Earth. This is related to the cosmic shift in energies, which is an even bigger picture.
Very good presentation of the real Earth catastrophe coming. That People are dim enough to think plant food will kill the planet is beyond Me.
One of the People I have been paying My attention to is Ben of Suspicious 0bservers (that's a zero, not an "O," in 0bservers) on (sadly) YouToilet. So this was stuff I was aware of, but I am glad You are helping raise awareness too!
There are two other channels that talk about it also. I found Ben first. With different versions of what are world is. You can’t trust anything NASA says. One is Archaix. He just did a decode of the Olympics 2012 which details the reset process/ Covid. Also an apparently deceased YouTube channel. Mia’s new pair of glasses, can find her info on bitchute.. link below. It’s important to look at all this info to figure out how to survive.