Very good presentation of the real Earth catastrophe coming. That People are dim enough to think plant food will kill the planet is beyond Me.

One of the People I have been paying My attention to is Ben of Suspicious 0bservers (that's a zero, not an "O," in 0bservers) on (sadly) YouToilet. So this was stuff I was aware of, but I am glad You are helping raise awareness too!

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Ben runs the space weather news account

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Aug 2Liked by Decode the World

There are two other channels that talk about it also. I found Ben first. With different versions of what are world is. You can’t trust anything NASA says. One is Archaix. He just did a decode of the Olympics 2012 which details the reset process/ Covid. Also an apparently deceased YouTube channel. Mia’s new pair of glasses, can find her info on bitchute.. link below. It’s important to look at all this info to figure out how to survive.




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Jul 30Liked by Decode the World

Well done. It is remarkable how the fact that our field strength is decreasing rapidly is absent from any mainstream conversation. If that isnt a red flag. I do not claim to know what is going on but there are too many questions and too much evidence pointing towards a major event.

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Anthropomorphic (manmade) Global Warming is bullshit. Same for the idea that a pole shift last happened 780,000 years ago or that the events are just magnetic reversals with no impact on survival of species vs. extinctions. Catastrophic events seem to occur every 12-13,000 years. The only good news is - humanity has always survived such events. The bad news includes the problem that the demons running politics don't want most of us in the coming new world and even if we survive the natural disasters we may still be exterminated by elites re-emerging from bunkers someday. Question for everyone: years ago I wrote a book on pole shift evidence.... If I do an updated version, what are the topics/aspects of the pole shift you think need to be addressed the most or need more detailed explanations?

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You should post a link to the book here, so it can get more visibility and attract intelligent comments. Everyone gains from that kind of discussion. For me, the key areas seem to be the ancient records (that many believe are now locked away in the Vatican Library basement) as well as sites like Goblecki Tepe in Turkey, where at WEF's request, they stopped digging.

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Jul 27Liked by Decode the World

I try to keep shameless plugging of my books to a minimum, but since you asked - POLE SHIFT: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced - is available at - https://www.amazon.com/Pole-Shift-Evidence-Will-Silenced/dp/1986785130

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Jul 30Liked by Decode the World

Very nice OP. Also.. my 2cents..David's book is worth checking out. I read it a few years ago. More people need to be having this large conversation.

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What do you have to do to survive in each area of the countries?

See above..under just magnetic flip? Or physical flip. Thank you in advance.

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There are a few scenarios, in my understanding. First, a simple magnetic flip of N and S poles and not much will happen to the surface, other than a very low magnetic field protecting Earth, which would leave the planet exposed to solar flares (CME). This could destroy electronics, the grid, etc. and wreak havoc on the machinery of civilization similar to a massive planet wide EMP. To survive this, you will need two years of food supplies, a water source and protection from roving mobs. Starting over will be tough, provided you have enough parts and tools to restart things.

Another scenario is if the physical planet flips 90 degrees, which has happened in the past. This would put the pole near the equator and the ice caps would melt, sea levels would rise 700-1000 feet and the tropics near the new poles would freeze. This would be quite a catastrophe.

The worst case scenario is if the rotation of the planet is reversed, along with the flipping of poles. This could create a one mile high tsunami that would literally scrape most of the low lying parts of the planet, plus whatever other damage would happen from flooding, CME, etc.

Everything is in the hands of The Creator. Only a matter of what can or will be saved at this point. Another point is the entire cosmos is in its final destruction phase. The only way out is to make it to the new cosmos (by following Truth, Compassion and Tolerance), in my understanding.

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Here is another hard to find book on this topic that is quite interesting too!

Author: Chan Thomas


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Jul 28Liked by Decode the World

There's no way to guarantee your personal survival, because the mechanics of pole shifts have been written up by men paid by intelligence agencies to spread disinformation. Will there be a 180 degree flip as Plato suggests, or approximately 30 degrees like Charles Hapgood said, or almost 90 degrees like Chan Thomas said, or is the movement a random number of degrees like Hugh Auchinloss Brown said, or just a few degrees like Mark Carlotto suggests, or back and forth along the same path in the Arctic Ocean like Soviet scientists concluded.... This will determine your future latitude and altitude, which depends on proximity to the equatorial bulge. Ignoring the difficulty of knowing whether your location will be frozen or underwater.... I'd say your odds improve if you're living at a high elevation well above sea level and far inland away from coastlines. Away from big cities, military bases, nuclear power plants. If you are able to farm and/or have skills that are useful when technology is gone, you will be more useful in the new world. Consider at least living in a self-sufficient farming community. Consider being prepared to abandon a hometown and flee to a new location. We don't all have access to ancient secrets or golden tickets to underground bunkers or spaceships to ride it out. The bottom line is, we can be somewhat prepared - but not for all possibilities.

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Well said, thanks for your comment!

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Thank you. Gonna cross it off my list of things to worry about.

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There will likely be signs and warnings. Best advice would be to get to high ground. Make some friends in Colorado!

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In that book by Chan Thomas that I linked above, he theorizes that one of the warning signs will be the magnetic flux strength will drop consistently. In addition to the changing location of the magnetic poles.

From his very vivid description of how it happens, there will likely be few survivors anywhere.

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That's why they are building the underground bunkers, miles down. Not sure even that can help them.

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And what land mass are countries trying to gain control over? It's only 1 and not hard to guess. They have a seed vault there. Now you know why.

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it won't be arctic forever!

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Jul 26Liked by Decode the World

🌴 in the permafrost. Yup. They will scream cow farts. We are the carbon they want to reduce. 3 to 4 generations we need to be able to survive a mini ice age along the current equator. I guess that's why they want everyone electric.

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Suspicious Observers on yoo toob is a great daily run down on the Suns activity and its relation and effect on our impending disaster cycle.

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Yes, a number of people on GLP said the same thing. A good idea to compare notes with that channel. Thanks for sharing this.

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Some might think the depop/control confine agenda is motivated by this estimated date...if the date was known it would completely explain it.

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The hint is found in Agenda 2030. That's their deadline and likely a few years ahead of the actual event. It's also possible it takes a year to fully transition, it might not happen overnight. Then again, ancient texts in the Vatican library probably would expose prior events.

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I'm wondering if they are so confident about a date, but they have benchmarks, and just ensuring this process is underway because this may not be as exponential as models say and the massive societal changes needed technology and time to implement.

Awareness of global catastrophe ends up putting the whole hooking us up to the cloud to power the AI running to (hopefully lol) save as many people as possible in a whole new light of love for humanity vs depopulation

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Earth is like a clock. Like the orbits of the black sun companion to our Sun, these are literally like clockwork. That's why they are so confident in the timing of events.

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I’m not a fan of Ben of Suspicious Observers as he leaves out pertinent points of this subject

I am not a fan of Elon Musk

I am a fan of open source science and participate heavily in Martin Fleschmann Memorial Research

Fear porn and hopium are two sides of this topic, I prefer to study all aspects of an issue rather than being steered towards one or the other as there can be no middle ground in middle men

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Musk was used as an example to show "They Know". That's it.

Everyone should use critical thinking. It's entirely possible to turn up valid info that changes the entire discussion, including the premise of this entire article! Keep an open mind!

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Yes, I am quite aware of that

I did not bring up any specific topic related to Musk nor Ben

(Musk: Neuralink and Starlink )

(Ben Davidson has a degree in economics from Denison University and a Juris Doctorate from Capital University Law School, but no actual science training. Historically much research has been accredited to “amateurs”)

I never discussed Dutchsines who is often at odds with Ben, both on YouTube yet Dutch is highly censored while Ben is not 🤔🤔🤔

I am stating my opinion of which we are all entitled

Bob Greenyer is on Remote View which can be found on substack much of his work is on my substak

I do not post nor comment often on any platform though I do restack

much of this topic has been discussed on MFMP channel (much of which is also on YouTube)

Unfortunately too many people have forgotten their elementary education in sciences and mathematics while too few have studied these subjects post secondary education Even more unfortunate is the number of people who have yet have been inculcated to think only one methodology is possible

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Sadly, the ones with the most traditional education are also the ones who generally are the most brainwashed and unable to think beyond the limits of traditional science. You should list the sources with links you trust most for other people reading this post. It would help everyone a great deal. Thanks!

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I would encourage everyone to study syntax and stem courses

Buy textbooks on basic chemistry, chemistry 1 & 2, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, algebra, trigonometry, physics and calculus at minimum (biology stems from chemistry though a basic understanding genetics is quite beneficial)

used out of date textbooks will be quite useful and lesser in price

YouTube channels such as MIT open source courses on most of these subjects

Most can not afford to speak out against mainstream initiatives as without revenue no one can survive which is how we have become an entrapped in the system of power that has a stranglehold over the entire world

It is the lack of knowledge that has carved the path of deception

Individual accountability has been fettered by indoctrination of equity and inclusiveness which also leads to the concept of “democracy” rather than a "republic" the difference between elected officials who have the power to vote for the whole versus the elected representatives who are responsible to the constituents and governing according to law

Individualism is founded in the concept that all values rights and duties originate in individuals intended for one person existing as a distinct entity, separate distinguished from class, or collection being as contrasted with a social group or institution These rights are innate (inalienable) and can not be given away

The constitution is a personal contract between the individual and their state and country. It is the individuals responsibility to demand governments uphold our rights.

regardless of whether one believes in a creator or atheist, regardless of being considered a bacteria or virus as some elitests have claimed

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Aug 2Liked by Decode the World

That former constitutional contract was broken long ago by the criminals who took over and defrauded the government which broke any contract.

Fraud vitiates everything based on it.

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Research this deeper, no contract can nullify the original contract, only treaties have constitutional weight

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I’ve listened to David DuByne many times describe how the 2,000 ish yr cycle of the gas giants being close to our magnetic field is happening now and will be completed in October. Any thoughts on this and how it might influence this migration? Seems to me it might accelerate such a move.

I’m very new to these ideas but from my layperson’s perspective, I think you’re spot on as to why the totalitarian push is so blatant these days. “They” are trying to get as much control as possible before this happens. It would also account for why China is buying up farmland in the US. They are anticipating another ice age and the people who control the food supply will control the world.

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There are always multiple reasons why they do things. A primary objective and dozens of other things they can accomplish from the same operation and food, energy and healthcare/medicine are the main control mechanisms. If you want to eat, get around with transportation or get that lifesaving operation, you must follow their rules.

They have control over the money printing machinery, which means they have virtually unlimited amounts of money. As long as people remain under the "money spell", they will desire money and accept it for payment for just about anything. They can literally buy anything with unlimited money. People sell their souls for money.

They also have access to the true history of Earth and because of this, they have a good idea of the natural cycles Earth goes through and when they will happen. It's a big clock after all. They control this information, keep you in the dark and use this information to their advantage.

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We know.

Question is..magnetic sh8ft only or physical shift. What happens to each area under bith [possibilities

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How the hell could there possibly be a Pole shift if there are no poles, and most definitly no Fuckin globe! Wakey ², my dude, it's the jews!🤔😂😋😎 You will regret banning and blocking me for this simple observation!!!


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you believe something "AIR UNIVERSITY " supposedly said???? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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