pink lady is my favorite 🍎… yours look delicious… will look into your apple nursery recommendation

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You will be very happy with Trees of Antiquity. Browse their web site and if you want an unusual variety, be sure to order soon, they always sell out.

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What a tasty post! Are you familiar with https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=Malus+Domestica+

My favorite ones.

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I'm not familiar with Malus, but it looks like a winner and is especially popular in the UK. One thing to note is to match the variety to your climate. Certain varieties do well in certain climates. You don't see many apple trees in warm climates without enough low cold hours (hours below 45F) to allow fruiting, but people are now successfully growing apples in backyard gardens in the tropics. If there's an apple you like, give it a try!

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In Polish it's called "szara reneta". a gray reneta apple...

I guess planting the apple trees I have to postpone to my next appearance on this plant.

Now I have small yards, with a gigantic maple in front, covered with a braided poison ivy...

Behind the rear fence is TWP's neglected park. Just a few weeks ago a huge tree fell down on my neighbor's and my yards.Finally removed only to uncover severe damages to my fence. Well, a picture of my "orchard" that perfectly fits current reality.

But sun is shining and birds are flying...

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If the sun is shining and birds are flying, that's always a good day.

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Sure, here is a box of apples for you https://www.phrases.com/psearch/apple

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