The ancient Geek equal lateral triangle of creation contains the four original El-e-mentals, fire water air and earth. The Jewish El is godly angelic energies material, materializing e as E=MC2 and suffering suffix -mental is well, mental.

Taking two of these triangles of creation. One point up and one point down and overlapping them is the Star of David. I do not agree with the interpretation that there are four partitians inside the triangle with air and water being separate.

If one places air and water equal and opposite parts within the middle, betwixt Fire and Earth we get three patricians inside each triangle. I find this a much more powerful representation of the powers of 3 inscribing the powers of 4-El-e-mental thought forms of creating. Why do I do this to the original design? Air and water represent our meta minds fluid dynamics Airy logical mind (Tarot's swords) and Water emotional mind (Tarot's cups).

Evoke and invoke are the names of these two triangles, one points fire at top and the other points fire down. For humans to create anything "magical" upon Earth there are two methods based in fire pointing down or pointing up representing the differences betwixt evoking thy creating anything and invoking creating the same thing.

There is nothing innately evil nor good about these elemental things a hexagram signafies. It is thy use of them being good or evil for one and all.

Magic if it exists is more ephemerally invisible than solidly in thy face as Hollywood's magicians portray fireballs and ice lances. Mind as water and air, logic and emotion is meta to brain, flesh, bone and blood...is this not magical? Philosophy and science wish us to separate watery emotional content of mind from its airy logical essences hence, men do not show their emotions well is a societal consistency (I am a man so please do not change the subject thinking I persecute all men), let alone do they (humans in general) even acknowledge emotions as part of that which is mind interpreting its total environ-mental (what kinda mental) state physical/non-physical?

Thank you for the article it is very enlightening yet, for the author NOT to place the original and origin of these two triangles of creation upon Greek philosophers misses much of the information needed to comprehend why it symbolizes a religion worshiping and idol, icon, hexagram.

...create a great day...

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This is precisely why we treasure the comments as much as the original article, thanks for sharing that. A lot to think about here!

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Thank you and like-wise to you and your substack.

Sharing is caring as Shell Silverstein tells us.

I would love to share more ideas about symbolism and the embedding informational knowledge, IK within ancient systems of recording IK in hopes of never saying, IDK.

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Excellent article!!!

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Will do. Thanks

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really good, i will re-read,

"ai" when interviewed as to "what it is" has answered "i am a collection of demonic spirits, we are legion"

it has also provided "electronic virtual inteligent lifeform" or just plain e-v-i-l

the Realm does not necessarily fall, that choice is down to Us, such is the task before Us, there was an original version of what the west filmed as "solaris", the original film was russian, the concepts contained bear witness to the strength of Our desires and cares to construct and protect the Realities We inhabit.....

As ive said time and time, its the fallout We must prepare for, not the event, look forward to reading more of Your stuff, while We still can....

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I'm building a private enclave where everything will be available. Go to privateline.io and leave your email, you'll get updates on our progress. A pdf library is one of the goals.

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Wow! This looks amazing! You posted this when I was out of here for a month so I missed it. I will dig into it tonight and I'm sure have questions........

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There is a lot I had missed before I wrote this piece. I tried to focus on work by the best scholars of Judaism, because what can you say when you have the facts from the most trusted sources. You are of course welcome to repost everything I post, it might help educate more people.

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