Aug 2Liked by Decode the World

For those who are Christian and concerned about the future, there is this book:


It's about Communism.

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This looks like a very good book, thanks for sharing!

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Aug 2Liked by Decode the World

It's an excellent book that draws on sources from the former Soviet bloc nations. Engaging reading that gives practical advice.

And, unfortunately, I can't disagree with anything you wrote about about their "spells." People are unable to see the reality of the situation: Satan doesn't like Christians, and many so called "Christians" are willing to help Satan along if they receive worldly rewards.

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In the grand scheme of life, 30 pieces of silver are a trifle. Sadly, many people succumb to this bribe, dooming themselves forever...

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Aug 2Liked by Decode the World

Right? I just asked Judas, why? Was the price worth it?


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I'm increasingly alarmed by how many Christians are willing to help Satan along just for the sake of being nice.

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Being compassionate to evil is evil. Evil must be eliminated, wherever it is found.

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Aug 24Liked by Decode the World

They said it a long time ago - their political correctness will be the downfall of their nation.

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Aug 3Liked by Decode the World

The French Revolution was a major unburdening and a model for the Russian revolution in 1917. Perhaps, that is the reason Paris was chosen to host the Olympics.

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No "coincidences". The Paris Commune led the way for world communism.

"The banner of the Paris Commune of 1871 was red and it was at this time that the red flag became a symbol of socialism and communism. "

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The time has come. We must stand NOW. Not tomorrow. Surely not next week!

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting


Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical

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to concern oneself with, and/or be focused upon, the comings and goings and doings amongst those operating within ruling institutions is to be under the spell of power oneself. one does not free oneself by sitting around watching the prison guards all day. (i mean, they all do the same thing, all the time, right?) one frees oneself by getting the hell out.

this sub, like so many, many others, is just another walled-in yard where inmates gather to grumble amongst each other about how stupid and evil the guards are all the while believing they are free.

decode the decoder.

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You do not free yourself sitting around and watching the guards, that's true. However, if you know, you won't fall into their traps, either. That's wisdom to discern good from evil.

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how do you know you are not ensnared? by your writings it's clear enough that you believe that there can be such a thing as "good gov't"-- the form of which you have yet to define for your readers, but have thus far only alluded to as something "not communism" or "not evil gov't".

so tell us, DtW, what kind of "good rule" would you have us all live under?

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What people live under is their business. We can only encourage people to be good. Good people live under the Great Law...Dafa, they follow Truth, Compassion and Tolerance.

btw, communism eliminates eternal Truth, so it is fundamentally opposed to Truth, Compassion and Tolerance and it's evil. Righteous people (including those from religions as well as those who don't have a religion) follow this characteristic of the cosmos.

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"What people live under is their business." how so DtW? save for a few remaining human tribal societies living in hidden remote corners of our earth apparently deemed inaccessible by state authority figures, the rest of us are forced by violence-backed law to live under state rules laid down by any given countries' state authorities.

if you live in a country that allows you to live under your own personal set of rules to the exclusion of all others imposed from without by force, please tell me so i can go live there.

as far as i can tell, all forms of gov't (rule-by-force) by their very nature "eliminate eternal truth". with this piece, you speak as if only communism is evil, implying that some other form of gov't rule exists that is not evil. i am asking what precisely that is only because it seems obvious enough to me that the ideological basis of any given ruling institution and your "great law...dafa, truth, compassion & tolerance" are not, and can never be, compatible. one negates the other and does so in every case, not just in reference to the one we call "communism".

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Definitely more personal freedom in China now than the USA. So yes. I’ll take a people’s republic with high levels of grassroots democracy over the civic theocracy of the US, where you get to select a different shit sandwich to eat every four years.

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Quit threatening us with a good time.

I would choose the universal healthcare, functional mass transit, housing for all, of China over what ever you call the mess that the US is today.

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So you'll take the CCP China model over freedom?

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