What utter nonsense. Sorry glowy, we're not going to use your honey pot app.

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Then don't use it! It's your choice!

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So the solution for signals problems is a matrix based app that doesn’t even have passcode rekeying? Also it seems like the source code of the app isn’t available and they literally advertise that they will hand over to the government on request.

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> It turns out that startup funding for Signal was from a US Government tied entity. Some people won’t like that. Here’s an interesting article: Signal Facing Collapse After CIA Cuts Funding

Someone already commented on the "nothing-burger" this article and line of reasoning actually is, so I won't repeat it here.

> $19m / 50 = $380,000 per year per employee!!!

This $19M figure includes more things. That's why a blog post shouldn't be read as an accounting report. Report summaries with salary figures are available btw, one search away.

> The infrastructure was not designed to minimize the cost of operations, it was designed for another purpose, data collection by third parties:

The quoted text is not evidence for this. Quite the opposite, in fact.

> Elon Musk also promotes Signal:

He promotes Linux too. Also, I bet he drinks water.

I see some valid concerns / questions, but it's immersed in a muddy water of arguments that is hard to disentangle.

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> Who are the donors? Signal costs a lot of money to operate. Who gave it the funds to operate?

If you don't know that, maybe you should start researching before writing a blog post. I'm not doing that part for you because you were to lazy/dumb.

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So you didn't bother to actually answer the question. We do know from the public filings that they took several million from a US Gov. fund. That is a fact. The balance came from a tech oligarch and ??? That's a bit of a mystery. It would have been a lot more clear if the users actually paid for the service, wouldn't it?

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This is just an ad for something called PrivateLINE (no relation).

This whole article is an advert for this companies own new secure messenger because......

> Why Would We Stop Using Signal?


>We had a security breach of some root keys for a legacy chat server we were running and it got attacked and destroyed. It was too hard to restore after the attack and was abandoned. We tracked down the data leak to Signal, as the engineers had used Signal to send these keys between themselves.

Human error. Why are you allowing private keys on untrusted devices?

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Next time, think before you post shit like this. Have a nice day circlejerking your glowy buddies, bye.

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Jun 6Liked by Decode the World

Signal is the definition of glowing. Also you don't get to use that word, that's our word.

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"When you see this kind of promotion or in the other extreme disinformation about a service to defame it, it screams of an operation. Spies have lifetime contracts and many of them work for several agencies/countries."

What an ironic ass line.

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"$19m / 50 = $380,000 per year per employee!!!"

Yeah because as everybody knows, in a company, wether a non profit or not, everybody is paid the same right ?

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That's a very high number for payroll at a company like this, by any standard.

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Jun 1·edited Jun 1

Do not trust anything you read on this page. Defaming the industry standard to try to convince you to switch to the OP own product, is the only red flag you need to know what's up.

Signal is still the best option as of now, and if you want ultimate security and privacy, you could look into Briar or similar P2P services.

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Jun 1·edited Jun 2Author

You can say and believe what you want. However, no one believes "the industry standard" anymore than they believe "elections are fair" or "this medical experiment actually works and is safe". We're leaving Signal and so are a lot of other people. If people like Signal, they can keep using it, we don't care. Briar is on the list of apps to support once we have p2p service up and running, even though that was supported by the same people who funded Signal. We will go through the source code and remove the trackers like we did with Element and Jitsi, both made with "safe" and "open source" code.

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Looks like a 12 year old comment.

Honestly, I'm glad that most media outlets are seeing this post as negative, you lost a reader and using your terms, me and "a lot of other people". Especially when there's reports of peadophiles using your service to share content/links, well done.

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We've been running private and secure comm services for years. We know how to deal with issues like the pedos, we've put them in jail before.

If you have a valid concern about a flaw or weakness you have discovered, let us know and we will fix it.

Just keep drinking the Kool Aid and keep using Big Tech, if that's what you like. This is not for everyone and we wish you the best. Many people see the problem (you don't) and want to move away from Big Tech, Big Pharma and all the other trash in our world that is literally destroying people.

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How have you dealt with them? Since everything is encrypted, how were you able to do such a thing? Also, what are those "private and secure comm services" you have been running for years? Also, why are you assuming that I use Big Tech and/or Big Pharma?

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Thanks for your comment, Diogo. We had a public company during the dot com era we used to run and one of our engineers discovered child porn on some servers. It was the worst thing I've ever seen and I used to process crime scene film for the local sheriff where I went to college. You can't unsee it. We called the FBI and a dozen or so people were arrested as a result of the sting we set up with them. If this kind of activity is reported to us, we will act and contact law enforcement and fully cooperate. We are trying to protect the good people, after all, not help bad people do bad things. Some of these pedos are also an operation by bad players in agencies trying to destroy services, we can't forget that, too.

The site some of our team used to run was called unseen.is, which is now defunct because the network to Iceland was attacked. We received death threats, as well. We've designed several things to avoid the issues this go around. In the end, it will be up to our users to choose what they want, we'll just give them some tools.

Keep in mind, a lot of the media and all of the big search engines are controlled. They decide what we see and that is very hard to break out of. This includes facebook, reddit, "hacker news", all of those. Occasionally something gets through their net. The top of the pyramid is money and Big Tech and Big Pharma are under their control system. As for Big Pharma, they pay 70+% of the ad dollars for cable tv, which if you ever watch that, you'll see non-stop drug ads. They are tied together; Money, Big Tech and Big Pharma (and Big Government).

Big Tech is inside almost everything and the assumption is that unless you have taken special care, you are exposed to Big Tech. All the major phones (Android and iPhone) are loaded with spyware and tracking. Because of the way they created layers of companies, it's really hard to put your finger on where exactly your data goes, we know US agencies have guidelines for buying the data. So we are unknowingly helping build our own electronic prison. It's a lot of work to move away from that and protect yourself and in our view, this is the key. As for the Big Pharma, if you wore a mask at all (completely ineffective at stopping small particles) or stood six feet apart in a line (a complete myth and part of a spell), you "used" Big Pharma. To buy groceries and live through COVID, I complied by wearing a mask and standing six feet apart, so I'm at fault here, too! I did not take the injections and I'm hoping you avoided them, too. It's looking like they damaged a lot of people and didn't help prevent transmission. This is one big reason why the meta-data leaks and tracking are so important, they can be used against people with their other projects. Beware!

I'm hoping that our interaction here has been helpful. If you ever point out something we are doing wrong or can improve, please let us know and we will make every effort to remedy. You took the time to comment, so obviously you care and we appreciate that.

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That link is dead. What was that supposed to be ?

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M247 is linked to GCHQ? ok. Prove it.

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That will be a future post on it's own. I have the receipts and will show those in the post. The only thing VPN's are good for is geo fence hopping. Virtually zero security and use at your peril.

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